Reva Yoga PradanaSome Notes when Upgrading into Xcode 13In iOS 15, there is a new property called sectionHeaderTopPadding, for defining padding above each section header. Suggestion to make it…Apr 13, 2022Apr 13, 2022
Reva Yoga PradanaMigrate into Lottie 3.0Our iOS team currently migrating our programming language, from Swift 4.2 into Swift 5.2. One of the things that we need to change is our…Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020
Reva Yoga PradanaFastlane in App with Extension Target (iOS Project)This article was made because of how happy I am to be finally solve this problem 😂 Thanks Marat Saytakov via…Jun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
Reva Yoga PradanaRemove build phase script “[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock”In our company, sometimes we found a problem that our build phase script "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock" got timeout in CircleCI, without…Jun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021
Reva Yoga PradanadidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken not CalledIn our iOS App, we often found a condition when user are not getting push token from APNS. When we researching this, it’s because of:Jun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021
Reva Yoga PradanaUsing Plist to store secret values in iOS App, and ignore it in Version Control (Git)Previously, we have some secret values hardcoded in our App, and it’s separated in many files (not have exact place to store both of them)…Jun 16, 20211Jun 16, 20211
Reva Yoga PradanaDifferent UUID from IDFA and IDFVSo I just read from the Leanplum’s document, that UUID can come from 2 sources, they are IDFA (advertisingIdentifier) and IDFV…Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Reva Yoga PradanaDifferent UUID from IDFA and IDFVSo I just read from the Leanplum’s document, that UUID can come from 2 sources, they are IDFA (advertisingIdentifier) and IDFV…Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Reva Yoga PradanaSome notes when upgrading into XCode 12On the end of 2020, our iOS Team were migrating, from XCode 11.4.1 into XCode 12.3. Some things that we’ve found previously are like these:Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Reva Yoga PradanaImpact of iOS 14.5When iOS 14.5 released, all of us (iOS Engineers) may already know about update of App Tracking Transparency. Yes, from next time, all of…Jul 3, 2021Jul 3, 2021
Reva Yoga PradanaError “transporter” when uploading into AppstoreI got this problem, when uploading my App into Appstore, through Transporter and XCode.May 6, 2021May 6, 2021